Muskoka North Good Food Co-op

Request For Proposals

Strategic Planning 2022 - Request For Proposals

Strategic Planning Request for Proposals 2022

Muskoka North Good Food Co-op is currently in its 4th year of operating as an official storefront, providing a not-for-profit and cooperatively-owned and operated Food Co-op Marketplace, food and wellness education hub, and a commercial kitchen, to the citizens of the Town of Huntsville and surrounding areas. The Co-op’s Board of Directors is currently seeking knowledgeable and experienced Strategic Planning Facilitation/Development to assist the organization in paving its way to optimal success over the next 5+ years of growth and change. We are driven to build a more sustainable regional food system, nurture a well-fed community and create a vibrant food economy in our region.

MNGFC’s goals for Strategic Planning: (in person meetings)

  • re-examine the overarching vision for our organization AND how to get there over the next 5+ years
  • an in depth examination of our organization and the community. This could entail smaller, more specific pre and post strategic planning meetings
  • forming the perfect planning team; aside from the Board, management & staff, other areas of experience to be invited to the table
  • develop assurance that our organization will receive the level of service required for optimal success
  • creatively develop a clear understanding of the scope of work, timeline, and deliverables from the onset
  • 2-3 days of planning sessions in late June, 2022
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